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YCHS’s Robotics program offers active STEM-based learning opportunities that foster inquiry-based learning and prepare our students for the future.

1. Creating and problem-solving
2. Coding and programming
3. Teamwork and collaboration
5. Forming global friendships through competition
6. Laying the groundwork for future STEM careers

In preparation for competitions, the students collaborate in the designing, building, and programming of a robot that will compete against opponents in a series of specific challenges in alignment with the preset rules and regulations. Similar to traditional sporting events, the robotics competitions draw crowds that gather to watch and cheer as the robots perform their tasks.

Previously, Yuma Catholic High School’s Robotics Club competed at the FRC Regional in Del Mar, California. Fifty-eight teams participated in the competition including teams from California, Colorado, Hawaii, Arizona, Mexico, and Brazil.

The game, INFINITE RECHARGESM, required two alliances to collaborate for the protection of FIRST City from the approaching asteroids caused by a distant space skirmish. In order to energize their Shield Generator for maximum protection, each alliance, along with their trusty droids, raced to collect and score Power Cells. To activate stages of the Shield Generator, droids manipulated their Control Panels after scoring a specific number of Power Cells. As the end of the match neared, droids raced to the Rendezvous Point to make their Shield Generator operational in order to protect the city!

Each match started with a 15-second Autonomous Period in which the students had programmed the droids to run autonomously. Following the Autonomous period, drivers took control of the droids for the remaining 2 minutes and 15 seconds of the match.

Support YC Robotics

If you are interested in supporting this team with mentoring or through donations, please contact Mr. Cid at or contact Yuma Catholic High School.