"Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve."
Yuma Catholic FFA prides itself on developing students’ premier leadership, personal growth, and career success. Through FFA and the Agricultural Education Program, students learn the significance of agriculture and how it plays a role in our community and the world. As an FFA member, students develop their own Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) project in a subject area of their choosing, some being; animal systems, plant systems, and agricultural business systems.
Our FFA students enjoy serving the Yuma community through service projects promoting agricultural advocacy and education. They also have the opportunity to hold leadership positions by participating in Greenhand and in chapter and region officer elections.
Yuma Catholic FFA students learn career skills by participating in regional and state career development events. Members enjoy attending leadership conferences where they get to meet and learn from FFA students around the state of Arizona.