If you are applying as an 8th grader wishing to become a Shamrock next year, you are on the WRONG application page. Click here to re-direct
Applications for 24/25 OPEN on 4/8/24
Here are the requirements to be considered for Admission to Yuma catholic:
1. A completed 2024-2025 application for admission
Click here to create an account and begin the application process
If you have a current student or have applied to Yuma Catholic in the past, you may already have an account created.
2. We will need an unofficial copy of your students' high school transcripts.
3. We will need a public school attendance form and a discipline request form filled out by your students' current high school.
Both forms are attached on the right-hand side of this page.
*Please note that we may have a waiting list for your students' class level. We must have a current application on file in order for your student to be included on the waiting list.
*For detailed information on the status of a particular class, please contact Mr. Schiller our registrar at cschiller@yumacatholic.org